Looking for something different at your school/college? Want your children to have more physical and creative activity? Not sure how to achieve this? Want them to have lots of fun whilst learning?
Where other companies will stick to one dance style, we work in a variety. Our pupils learn technique to keep them safe, will learn different styles of dance/movement and will be given the freedom to create their own using their amazing imaginations.
If you are looking for drama and singing, then again, LOOK NO FURTHER! The same approach is taken as above, and you can combine:
dance, drama and singing
dance and singing
Zumba sessions too!

Aims and objectives:
to give an introduction to the art of contemporary dance/drama/singing, and its different styles, together with the demands of life as a contemporary dancer, singer or actor
to discover and nurture the abilities of participants
to show how movement/dance, drama or song can be created from various stimuli
to show the procedure of placing movements, song or drama together to form a piece of choreography, a song or a scene and how to develop and manipulate these
to show how to observe, analyse and critique
to give presentation/performance experience to children/young people.

Benefits and skills
Helps develop a healthy lifestyle and incorporate fitness as a natural part of children’s lives by making it fun. Classes incorporate key childhood development elements including confidence, creativity, co-ordination, cultural awareness, leadership, respect, self-esteem, team work and memory.

We have a huge variety of themes. We can choose our own or they can be cross-curricular.
We are partners in education and have good knowledge of the National Curriculum. All workshops can be organised on the basis of the four Key Stages if requested. We have Supplements available for purchase that we use alongside the workshops.
It is company policy to evaluate all workshops and all participants are required to complete a questionnaire once our work together has concluded, as there are many derived benefits and skills acquired from our time together. All participants involved in projects receive certificates.
You could also be eligible for funding!
If your organisation would like us to teach at your school, club or community group but you need funding to be able to do this, then please speak to Funding 4 Sport. They offer expert advice on the availability of funding that could enhance provision for sport, PE and physical activity in your school, club or organisation and help you fund activities just like ours.
For more information on this please contact Funding 4 Sport at info@funding4sport.co.uk or visit their website at www.funding4sport.co.uk
"When they own it, they own it!"